女子公式練習後記者会見・寺本明日香選手 (Post-training interview with Asuka Teramoto)
*Summary in English follows Japanese
Hello, my name is Asuka Teramoto, from Mikihouse/legyc sports.
The competition format has significantly changed this year for the floor, balance beam, and parallel bars. But I have achieved my goal. In the winter, in order to reach my standard, I worked on my split for the balance beam, so that I would be able to do it without thinking about it. I did dance practice, split and straddle jump’s basic training, and some other fundamental practice in the balance beam.
I did routine practice since January and February, but during then my body didn’t move, and I barely finished till the end of performance. But these days, I have developed physical strength and I am able to hold my strength till the end of performance. The national championship is only 3 weeks later, so I will compete in this tournament as a preliminary round with the current format.
I want to believe in my coach and check-up I have been doing, and I want to enjoy the competition. My physical condition is better than last year, and my mental condition is good too, so I am looking forward to the competition. Please look forward to my performance.